Pokemon property propsocial
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精灵宝可梦 Go(Pokemon Go)游戏自推出至今已迈入一个月时间,几乎所有人都应该有听说过此游戏!若您仍傻傻不晓得这是什么的话,这即是席卷全世界的新游戏风潮!


它可说是破了我国免费应用程序的最快下载纪录。精灵宝可梦 Go 在推出的短短五个小时以内就在游戏排行榜中排名第一。

基于多年前一个非常受欢迎的日本动漫,宝可梦的英文字为 Pokemon,是 Pocket Monsters 的缩写,代表着口袋精灵的意思。这动漫描述一名梦想成为世界上最厉害的宝可梦精灵训练师的年轻男孩。




精灵宝可梦 Go 的 ‘Go’ 英文字母表明玩家必须走动玩此游戏,而只有靠走动他们才能孵化自己的精灵蛋。孵化一颗精灵蛋所需的步行距离是约2公里至10公里之间。

不少精明的业主已把这游戏纳入他们的业务来吸引顾客。谷中城美佳广场(Mid Valley Megamall)的喷水泉处就闻名于其水性宝可梦精灵,商场内的一些摊位和商店甚至还发动 ‘诱捕器’(Lure Modules)— 是游戏中用来吸引罕见精灵的一件物品。

另一个例子即是 The Pano 发展项目,其发展商以一个宝可梦页面的形式来描述该发展项目。

据悉,在精灵宝可梦 Go 未在马来西亚正式推出之前,已有许多商家要求把自己的店铺变成宝可梦驿站。

其它趁机使用宝可梦为自己的业务增添优势的发展商包括马星集团(Mah Sing)。发展商发现发展项目的附近有几个宝可梦驿站,如其位于八打灵再也Icon City怡保路Lakeville Residence万宜Southville City 和柔佛新山的 Austin Verdana,因此发展商在这些项目的销售廊和发展场地发动诱捕器吸引大众。


市场上其它的发展商都在他们的销售廊附近发现宝可梦驿站和道场。例如,绿盛世发展集团(Eco World)的武吉免登城市中心(BBCC)销售廊近期内的访客量增加,而他们都是前来捕捉宝可梦精灵的玩家;另外征阳集团(Sunsuria Bhd)的总部 — Sunsuria Avenue 销售廊的步行范围内也有两个宝可梦驿站。

实达集团(SP Setia)表示他们的一些发展项目也设有宝可梦驿站,当中包括赛城Setia Eco Glades士毛月Setia EcoHill实达阿南的接待中心(Setia Alam Welcome Centre)。发展商的实达城购物广场(Setia City Mall)也设有数个宝可梦驿站,而实达生态景苑(Setia Eco Park)的销售廊隔壁就是一个宝可梦道场。


(Translated by: Yau Yin Wey, 13th September 2016)


L  2c3e50 small

Wow! Even developers are also in the trend to attract visitors and buyers!

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one of the good marketing methods to create the awareness about the new project:) 

P  2c3e50 small

Yeah, good attraction other than the food/satay/durian and those so called expert presenting their talk

Andana small

Thanks for the tip! I can finally achieve my childhood dreams to be the Pokemon Master of this place.

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Good marketing technique, but might not bring feasible results because people come for the Pokemon not for property hunting, perhaps its just a good way to spread awareness. But anyhow this marketing technique is also cost efficient la, not so expensive, basically just need to buy Lure Modules/apply for Pokestop and shout out you have Pokestops only.

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I wonder if this marketing technique really works? As in increase your sales. Any developers here? Care to share? :D Just curious. 

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kids/children want to catch Pokemon, parents go to view the show room, at least can create awareness : ) stand a chance improve sales. 

Own dp small

Nice marketing there. Pokemon is losing the hype and has decrease many users since launched till date. People are starting to get bored of that game.

Kate chew small

Yes I agree with @JLean, the hype is slowly dying. But did this technique work? Attracting property buyers to the showroom by using Pokemon? Have to ask Mah Sing whether their sales increased or not ever since Pokemon :P

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Sure wont help to increase the sales tremendously. Just attract some people to visit the site, create the crowd at least.  

Kate chew small

And also to increase awareness of their project 

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player just go and play not really help much in the sales

Andana small

@joyceprop88 well it may not increase the sales, but there you have increase the strength of the brand. people would at least who is this developer and that will leave an intangible value in these players.

James bond craig junio2006 small

The Pokemon hype kinda died down, I noticed.....

Andana small

@james_bob what's pokemon?

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Players will be players... yes it will bring the younger generation crowd. Or families who use Pokemon hunting as family bonding activity to lure their kids to the outdoors. 

True investors are not into Pokemon hunting. Waste of their time.

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I don't see anyone playing Pokemon anymore though. 

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing