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哪一些银行提供全灵活性贷款(Full Flexi)服务?











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Ah... My first major milestone. Honestly, buying my first home was the least of my concerns. Wait 'til you start financing it (the monthly instalments and the endless bills that come with the home!), managing it and maintaining it (more money goes out at this two stages). Once you've gotten past the buying stage and start paying your first monthly instalment, that's when the stress kicks in.

At least, that was the case for me. It could be different for other first homebuyers :)

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My consideration:
1. Type of loan: Flexi / term / fixed rate
Personally I always choose Flexi for both own stay and investment. Some people argued that fixed rate is best for own stay but I'd rather dump in all the cash I have to save on interest - provided I don't have an better use of the cash at that point of time.

2. Interest rate
Needless to say the lower the better :P

3. Convenience of the bank facilities
One of the bank loans I have is with XXX bank. For asking an old bank statement, I need to travel down to their HQ. It was not located at a convenient location. Public transport can't bring you there (yes, even taxi did not want to go there). Walked about 3km under afternoon sun.

4. Lock in period
For high rise investment, I don't mind get locked for 3 years. But nowadays I see more banks do not have lock-in period.

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Things to Look For When Applying A Housing Loan - A good banker!

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Other considerations - MRTA requirement, free lawyer fees loan agreement, ease of application, good customer service of the bank staff...

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But in situations like when you are buying a new property during launching by developer, usually they have only about 2 - 3 panel banks for you to choose from and usually these are the ones that can provide good rates as compared to if you go direct.

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I think UOB and Maybank provide good loan rates.

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If you plan to sell off your property soon (flipping)... not wise to take any MRTA, most banks don't require you to take MRTA nowadays.

Can consider MLTA instead.

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welcome to get an MLTA with me :) haha. 

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MLTA is Investment Linked Policy right? Most commission for insurance agents I think. 

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usually basic term insurance is not non-investment link insurance. you may get an financial planner/agent to advice you further on that part.

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Ngoi, what's the difference between MLTA and MRTA? I always get confused between these 2.

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Do banks make it compulsory to buy MRTA or MLTA... just like property insurance is a must?

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Dominic, some banks make it compulsory upon taking up home loan from them. Such as UOB Bank.

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Does UOB offer better rates? since they are so "careful" when giving out loans...

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Now which bank is more lenient and still offer decent amount of loan with good rates?

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I guess check your own CCRIS an CITOS is rather important too. 

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after get loan approve, only compare the rate. 

dont forget to check T&C and other charges clearly.

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Anyone can advise when will be a good time to refinance your bank loan?

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while yr interest rate is very much higher than wat bank offer now. 

and u need money to make investment, and yr property appreciate quite a lot

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@Nic. Typically what are the "hidden" charges involved when we decide to refinance a loan?

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There are some Islamic Housing Loan that does not allowed Principal Balance Reduction. Please take note and always check properly before putting your signature on it.

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In other words, need to diligently pay the monthly installment until the full tenure Islamic Housing loan? 

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