Img 8275 small

0%d.payment+15% cash rebate 

Rm 650k 1200sqr 4+1R+2B 2c/park

Partlyfurnished-freezer,5 air conditioner,wash&dry machine,kitchen fully furnished,room with wall drop 

High end condo with Sky Facilities by EXSIM


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Kindly call 0122619022 for more details 

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If you can provide the name then will be great ! :) 

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U whatsapp my number 0122619022

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@Kenglocc If i am not mistaken this project is a leased hold property right?

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@Ronald Soo totally correct,whole Desa petaling almost leasehold 

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as agent can ah-hoc to this project...

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Can u give me ur contact Num ?right now ?

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@Kentlocc my contact is 016-3946138 whatsapp me more info ... for co-agency?

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Which part of Desa Petaling. Anymore information can be shared?

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Just opposite The Leafz 

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@kentwong good sharing