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My friend has been trying to sell his unit, but he's still not getting any buyer - even with an agent help. Any thoughts, tips or bits of advice?


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So the "money game ppl" was planning to buy the bungalow as his money game operations head quarters?

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I have a serviced apartment unit in BRP though. The area isn't exactly like Subang, PJ and the likes, as John said it is a developing area. Not many people will look into buying property here, I did because it is still slightly more affordable as compared to well-developed areas, and not as far as like Eco Grandeur and Bandar Sri Coalfields kind of locations. Even rental is a bit slow there, your target market for rental would be hospital and industrial area employees.

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So did you manage to rent out your BRP unit to any hospital or industrial area employees?

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@sultana thanks for sharing