House for sale smart home system 9
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首先,我们需了解什么是智能家居系统(Smart Home System)?这道简单的问题有种种答案,但是简单来说,智能家居系统基本上是通过互联网相互连接的家中配件。换句话说,只要您的家居与互联网接上,您即可以从任何地方通过智能手机监控您的家居。

但很多人会问道 - 智能家居系统是否真的安全?那当然。事实上,安装智能家居系统的主要好处之一即是为了安全。一些能够连接至这个系统的家居安全功能是警报器、闭路电视摄像机(CCTV)、动作感应器、门锁等。智能家居系统还能够让灯、空调、电器和家中的其它配件自动化。





您浴室里的热水器可以自动被开上让水开好让您冲热水澡、空调已被开上以确保在您步入家门之前室内温度已达最佳温度,而您到了家门前也不必忙着找钥匙,智能门锁会自动为您解锁。进了家门后,您喜爱听的音乐已在扬声器上播放… 一切都为了您的舒适准备好。

设想下,您可以命令您的房子开灯和调低风扇速度,或设置闹钟甚至提醒自己订优步服务,只需检测您的声音或在智能手机上滑一滑即可。智能家居系统可以带来无限的便利 - 只要您有一个系统将家中的设备连接到互联网即可创造无限可能。









在这个凡事讲究快的年代,每个人都想快速把事情完成 - 能越快完事,效率就越高。配备智能家居系统的家可以为您的每一个触摸给予最快速的反应,其效果令人感觉过瘾 - 只需轻轻一碰,门就会解锁,灯光立即可变色。该系统还能依您的生活方式和需要而定制一系列的程序,例如您只需一个快速设置,即可在上班前有新鲜刚泡的咖啡准备享用。


智能家居系统不仅提供高效率帮您实现理想的生活方式,而且也还能帮助降低能源的使用。智能家居系统提供商和专家,dcrib 做了测试发现完全使用智能家居系统的家居每月的电费平均可减少12%!


智能家居系统会影响到房子的价值,无论是出售、出租或购买房子。由于智能家居系统已是一种新趋势,配备这些智能家居技术的物业会更适合今时今日的房产买家,因此而会更受欢迎,这当中的智能家居技术就如智能锁、谷歌家居(Google Home)、亚马逊语音助理(Amazon Alexa)等等。在未来,千禧一代将会成为新一代的房产买家,因此智能家居必将吸引更大的市场人士。




dcrib 对一系列的智能家居系统进行(稳定性、连接性、兼容性、滞后,移动应用程序故障等方面)测试后表示,一些系统虽先进,但却忽略了易用性。其它被测试的方面还包括安装和整合、所提供的保修,以及制造质量。

有兴趣将您的家变成智能家居吗?请浏览 或发送电子邮件至 做预约,找专家咨询吧。

(Translated by: Yau Yin Wey, 15th February 2017)


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how much it cost for a basic one?  for apartment.

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Seems like by 2020 everyone should be living in a home like Tony Starks. This is a great deal. 

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If a hacker is able to gain access or fully take over the system, you can imagine what are the consequences. Nothing beats fierce guard dog, a sturdy physical padlock, or a traditional combination safe. :^)

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for me i still prefer to keep my home features semi-smart, semi-traditional. 

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for me... the wired system is this the way to go... wireless system i believe still cannot rely on centralized power source, i.e. need independent power source

Batteries or Solar Powered cells looks like high maintenance with low reliability. 

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anyone install before? good?

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The future-to-be home.

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maybe not applicable in Malaysia yet... wait until we have the mentality of a home without the need to install grille... then maybe. haha

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Dominic, but this company is Malaysia based though. I'm pretty sure it's for installation for Malaysian homes.

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Nice one... make sure to watch the video at

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@domng sounds good to have one. 

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If is it proven to be reliable. Why not give it a try?

At the same time, the operational, maintenance and initial cost must be affordable to attract owners to embrace this high-tech Smart Home System

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@domng wait me buy a bungalow sure i will install. haha.

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We all looking forward to your Bungalow house warming!

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I don't mind staying in a cool, high-tech, gadgety home..... but this might make me a lazy person after awhile.....

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Technologies nowadays are making people more and more lazy. LOL But can't deny it saves up much more time and energy.

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I remember watching a video. Where Mark is working on a smart home butler similar to "Jarvis" in Ironman...

Quite cool the way he collect his signature t-shirt using the Cannon!

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In other 1st world country, AI exists quite sometime ago. Malaysia's always many steps behind. Hehe....

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@admin_ps thanks for sharing