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Every month paying hundred ringgit of maintenance fees and sinking funds for bad management, painted the wall like Picasso saying they can't find the right color for the wall, letting people to hold religious sensitive events  at the garden directly below my house without our consent, parking garage and property's ceiling leak here leak there (Everyday u sure will see debrises on your car, your floor), five years no AGM was held and more! Reported this to COB but still no action was taken.. What else I can do about it?  Thanks


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Nothing else u can do michael. Take a deep breath & let out a sigh of acknowledgement; say to yourself this is home with all its joys with your family within the walls & all the funny painted walls & unkept premises (promises) outside of your home....& when its time, throw your hat into the sky & shout 'adious, im upgrading to a bigger & better home' !!

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@yapkc528 raise this issue during AGM to let everyone know. 

and become Management Committee next year so you have right to make vote for any decision.

third, sell off the unit.

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If 5 years and no AGM was held even once... the JMB can be sacked as according to ROS regulation, must hold official AGM once every year, and special AGM when require consensus for any big decisions.

By the way, are you still paying the monthly maintenance?

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@yapkc528 thanks for sharing