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New properties are nicer, modern looking and does not require a lot of renovation.
Properties from sub-sales are generally cheaper than new launches but it is "used". If you have the options, which one will you choose and why??


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I'm prefer on new launches, as you said, do not need much renovation. However, most of them are pricey. I'm will only consider for sub-sales if the place is affordable and the previous owner is taking good care of it. My bro got a house in Serdang, after sometime only found out there are lot of termintes..then need to waste some money to cleanup and do some prevention :(

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Can't agree with you more @virspirit, sometimes purchasing sub-sale property there are some issues such as termites, water leaking n etc where you couldn't realise it during viewing. By the moment u found out there is such problem, the purchasing transaction has been completed & all the repairing cost will be all on yourself. Especially termites...such a nuisance @_@

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A  27ae60 small

Definitely new launches. Normally new launches will come with free legal fees, stamp duty, no agent fee etc. These can be +-rm20k savings, or less cash to fork out compared a 500k subsale.
Moreover, building maintenance in MY is quite bad. Staying in new building gives better experience.

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depend budget and need

Runaway fridge small

I asked myself the same question when I decided to buy a place of my own. I wanted a new property as it is nicer and comes with modern facilities and features. Also, I learnt that some developers actually throw in quite good packages. But due to my choice of location, I had to settle for sub-sale (the one I bought wasn't too bad). It also depends on the location right? New properties nowadays are so pricey especially in popular locations like KL or PJ. Unless you buy one outside of KL.

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ya I had 2 new projects on hand, which is one very demanded location bukit jalil but from rm590k or above for 1100sf , another one at kajang semenyih just from rm268k for 477sf. But anyway subsales or new launching also need to based on your plan which u buying for investment or Own stay. For investment don't look at the house condition but at the price and demand , for own stay my own opinion pls buy a place and house u like it. No good timing for buying a property as long as you got money and budget then u should own the house as soon as possible. =)

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I prefer new properties!!! :) Developers always have freebies to attract their buyers and also higher ROI when I sell off next time.

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I also prefer new properties. haha. went to Paramount Property's Sales Gallery in Glenmarie. they're gonna launch a new service apt, fully furnished! I think since the proposed LRT 3 is passing by Glenmarie as well, its gonna be a good investment from what I think. and and! the furnitures! its mind-blowing. LOL!

just to share with u guys this youtube vid I found on the furniture that is gonna be featured in the unit!

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Youngster can go ahead with New Launch as you can save for SPA fee or loan legal fee with modern style property.

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I wrote about this in another thread but I see it's applicable here as well

New Property 
1. Lower upfront payment. 
- Usually developer gives discount in the form of down payment. Some even go to the extend you will get cash back once bank loan is approved. 
- Potentially save on S&P, legal fee as developer would love to absorb it for you so that the developer can have better control proceeding the transaction. 
2. New building. You don't worry much about the 20 years old piping / electrical wiring / tiles coming up anytime / room falling off anytime. 
3. Capital appreciation upon completion.

1. Waiting period is 2-3 years. If you need a house immediate for family planning purpose, tough luck. 
2. Risk of developer abandoning project. You will stay stuck serving the interest to bank.
3. Uncertainty of living condition upon completion. You might get an unit with poor workmanship. You might get an annoying neighbour. You might have a committee team that are not committed to take care of the well being of your neighbourhood.

1. Value for money. Not worried about developer changing overly expensive. You can bench mark your purchase price with recently transactions in the neighbourhood. You can potentially negotiate for a better price. 
2. Immediate possession. Your unit do not have wait for 2-3 years to be ready. No risk of developer abandoning the project. 
3. What you see is what you get. You can survey the neighbourhood, check out the committee team, and even hire a professional inspection team to inspect the unit you plan to buy.

1. (Very) High upfront payment. 
- Minimally prepare 15% of the selling price. 10% go to downpayment. 5% go to other transaction fees (such as S&P, legal fee, etc). 
- Renovation if the unit is not new 
2. Higher involvement in transaction process. You might need to call up your lawyer to chase on his progress. If you are unlucky you might also need to get your lawyer to chase the seller lawyer. If you are getting a leasehold high rise that do not have a strata tittle, you might also need to follow up with your developer or land office. 
3. Very little capital appreciate upon completing your purchase. Does not make sense for investor to flip unless the unit is bought at severely under market value or investor hold it for a very long period of time.

R  1abc9c small

If upfront money is concerned, definitely go for new launches.

If money no issue and can not wait, definitely go for subsales.

If look for landed property have to go for subsale because nowadays very less 2 storey launch in the market

If condo/service apartment, most probably will go for new launches unless we know very well the property management of the subsale property.

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The next 1-2 years are expected to be the subsale market as new launches are not in the right time. We'll see. Very interesting times in the property market.

A  27ae60 small

Yeah, anything can happen. Market might crash, or prices might go up crazeee still.
Just bought an under construction property, and really scared of it being abandoned. Will be a bankrupt if it does :S

K  8e44ad small

new project :  Lower down payment & cash back is buyer first choice 

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choose the one can give you positive cash flow or potential capital appreciation 

L  d35400 small

I choose subsale. No choice, I want location.

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Agree with you.

Even though Location (right location) is very important... Still need to buy at the right time and right method of financing

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i prefer lelong with stand a chance to gain higher appreciation while buy low and have positive cash flow since my monthly installment is lower.

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For investment, I would go for new launches. But come to think of it, I would go for new launches for own stay too :P I like to live in new properties. 

I think subsale would be good for people who need to move in immediately and people who feels insecure buying a newly launched property without seeing the actual building being up.

James bond craig junio2006 small

@6011_3531_5354 Have you bought or live in an auctioned property before? What is it like? What's the difference apart from price and the fact that you can view it before purchasing?

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For properties which is for "lelong" on the market, we need to know the full story of the property before ended up "lelong"... Else we might get surprises. :^P 

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@domng you always welcome to mingle with the neighbour, guard and committee for the respective unit before you buy :)

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Go with new properties if the price make sense. 

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I think the existing residents will be more than happy to tell you about their neighborhood if you ask them nicely.

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@ppnnkk2011 good sharing