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Image source: mtree.com

The announcement of Malaysia locking down due to Covid-19 has caused nationwide panic, with families gathering at supermarkets before they were even open for business. The panic is however unnecessary, as supermarkets and food supply will continue operations without disruption.

The 1 Utama Shopping Centre will be closing all non-essential stores, but their F&B services will continue operating minus sit-in facilities. Their seating facilities will be stacked to avoid public confusion, and tenants will deliver the food to the respective food delivery riders at designated pick-up areas.

The mall will continue operating at the set hours of 10am to 10.30pm daily, with ongoing services including the supermarket, convenience stores, pharmacies, clinics, banks, telcos, and the post office. All on-ground events have been cancelled until further notice at the 1 Utama Shopping Centre.

The above move by the popular shopping centre follows the call for nationwide lockdown on 16th March 2020. This move includes a ban on all forms of public and religious gatherings including Friday prayers, a restriction on incoming travellers, closure of institutions of education, and government offices.

Only essential services will continue running, including water and electricity, telecommunication, postal service, transport, fuel, gas, lubrication, broadcasting, banking, health, pharmacy, fire-fighting, ports, airports, prisons, security and defence, sanitary services, provision and food supply.

The nationwide lockdown and interstate travel ban will continue until 31 March 2020. Those who wish to travel cross borders will require a letter from the police, which will only be issued on the condition that there is a death of a close family member, critical illness of a close relative, required medical treatment for themselves or a close family member, and other situations that will be weighed by the police.

Stay safe everyone! And keep an eye out on this space for the Top 10 Tips for Working from Home!

(18 March 2020)


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It's human nature. People tend to get panic easily. Still all Malaysians should be grateful that we have shelter to stay, clothing to wear and food to eat. Our fellow brothers and sisters in Africa region not that fortunate though. 

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Yet to visit any mall during MCO period, mostly order food delivery and minor cooking.