20160726 113400 1 small

Dato Mohd Zulkifli REN03264


About Dato Mohd Zulkifli

Agency : Johan Realty ( E(3)0196)

I am Dato Mohd Zulkifli, a dedicated and professional Real Estate Negotiator from Johan Realty with a minimum of 4 years experience in the real estate industry.

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selling your home without register agent is very risky & hustle, the owner sometime not really understand registered agent & broker...the goverment should implement rules & regulation like Spore, whoever wanna sell their house must be through real estate agent..

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Answering to Dominic Ng,

Registered Agent is legal binding attach with MIEA & LPPEH which is with REN Tag & REN No. anything misconduct with REN they can reported to MIEA & LPPEH.

Brokers, is not registered with MIEA & LPPEH & no legal binding attach.

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  Just curious, what's the different between a registered REN and an illegal broker if both of them commit a certain crime or scam or cheat? Doesn't necessarily mean a registered REN won't commit any misconduct, isn't it?

James Bob,

for reg REN, if commit crime/misconduct in dealing with owner/purchaser they will easily traced, bcos for reg REN all docs related to owner/purchaser came from Register Estate Agency & also from TAG they wearing.

If Illegal broker commit crime/cheating is very hard to traced, no documentation involved in buy/selling property, no TAG.

moral of the story, we must teach people (owner/purchaser) is avoid from using Illegal Broker to Buy/Selling Properties.   

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Dato Mohd Zulkifli, https://dwxbwps5boihg.cloudfront.net/users/avatars/22965/20160726_113400-1.jpg Homepage: Agency: Johan Realty Property Negotiator My colleague: Zarina Omar Goldrealty SulaiMan Rozlina Rameli