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2 Bedroom Condominiums For Rent in Sabah

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About Sabah

Properties for Rent in Sabah

Sabah is a state in the East Malaysia region and the northern part of Borneo. It borders the Sarawak state and its capital city is Kota Kinabalu. An iconic landmark here is Mount Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in Malaysia. It stands at 4,095 metres above sea level.

The origin of Sabah’s name has many theories. One of them is that it comes from pisang saba, a type of banana that was grown widely in the region. Excavations in the area revealed that human settlement existed here about 20,000 to 30,000 years ago. They found prehistoric stone tools in the Madai-Baturong caves.

Sabah’s total property transactions experienced an increase in 2021. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the state’s property market is doing better than most Malaysian states. As international borders reopen, the residential property market should perform even better. The open borders will also revive the tourism industry and in turn, boost the state’s economy.

Sabah’s property market is also expected to improve with these upcoming mega projects: ​Pan-Borneo Highway, Tanjung Aru Eco Development (TAED) and a RM7 billion mixed development at Meruntum.

The state is well known for ecotourism due to the unique wildlife here. The Kinabalu National Park hosts more than 4,500 species of flora and fauna. UNESCO has even inscribed the park as a World Heritage Site because of its diverse range of plants and special climate conditions. Here’s a fun fact: all eight species of Hornbills can be found in Sabah.

Go for a hike on Mount Kinabalu if you are looking for a challenge. We recommend it for an immersive experience in nature. Aside from that, you can find the country’s 2nd longest river within Sabah. It is the Kinabatangan river with a length of 560km.

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