2,000 2,000,000
2 5

3 Bedroom Semi-Detached For Rent in Marang

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About Marang

Properties for Rent in Marang

Marang has an area of 666 km². The district's topography consists of the South China Sea coast, peat swamps, hills and plains. The sub-districts of Rusila, Pulau Kerengga and Merchang lie on the coast with sandy plains gradually giving way to hills in the interior. The Jerong sub-district is mainly hilly, while the sub-districts of Bukit Payong and Alor Limbat consist of rolling plains and peat swamps. The district's population of 84,938 (2000 census) is 97.2% rural and predominantly Malays (97.2%) while the Chinese are the biggest ethnic minority (2.6%). Most people in Marang use the Marang sub-dialect of Terengganu Malay.

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